Why it’s good to embrace your imperfections to outsmart AI

When we stumble and fall, people say it is part of being human. On the infrequent occurrence that we mess up, that’s part of being human too, you are told; but that’s of little solace when your life is out of control.
The prospect of a new technological age arriving with AI (artificial intelligence), and rumours of certain jobs becoming obsolete as AI replaces a lot of the human workforce, haunts some of us. As the rise of the robots – that’s essentially what we’re talking about – gains momentum, what will the real cost be to our way of life? While AI might not have the excuse of, ‘being human’ for potential faux pas, the AI will only be as good as the programming that created it, or until it learns to do better.
Although the probability of an autonomous device making a mistake is a lot less, is there not unappreciated grace in a person making a mistake; it gives the other person the opportunity to embrace forgiveness, and the chance to learn from the lesson in the mistake? Will the influx of a mechanical workforce not surely stunt human evolution?
One can assume that scientific bigwigs have considered the consequences of what the endgame may look like as AI takes over, but one should never assume – in my experience. Remember Y2K, anyone?
Will AI be able to offer everything a human can do? Will a flawless service – with a vacuous face – be the way of the future; is that really what we have to look forward to? So many questions, and what ifs?
Emotions and empathy are not something that can be written in code and programmed into a machine – unexpected item in the bagging area. People and interpersonal skills are not going to come from AI, and with mental health issues on the increase, will a soulless piece of tech ever be able to comfort a distressed individual?
As much as human error can be annoying sometimes, on occasions it can work in your favour when you’re given more change in a transaction, or get away with a perk you otherwise would have been denied. Are we still going to be selecting all the images with traffic lights in to get what we want, or is the future going to realise our uniqueness?
Human interaction and contact is something we need to survive. Solitary confinement is used as a form of punishment – but I quite enjoy it, sometimes – no man is an island and we all like interacting with someone who is can step outside of their narrative and have a difference of opinion.
Embrace your imperfections because those are what make you you, and no amount of robotics is going to rob the world of human nature.