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About James
From the desk of Coach James
The real reason you feel trapped by life and how to un-tie yourself
Do you ever stop and say to yourself, “I try really hard, but my life’s simply not working out the way I intended.” and then try again,...
Featured Posts
When what you think about matters most.
The words you need to hear when you suffer from trauma, but often don’t.
The never-ending sports day of life.
This Hollywood trend can help you get better in life.
Learn from my biggest life lesson to thrive in 2024 and make it your best year.
Why it’s good to embrace your imperfections to outsmart AI
What I learned from long car journeys as a child that became an important metaphor for life
This lesson inspired by a Lego house can help you build your ideal life
The hard truth about hard times that will make your life easier
Why upgrading your mindset is more important than upgrading your mobile.
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